Thursday, March 24, 2011

February: Flying Trapeze

Flying through the air with the greatest of ease!

Now, I am not crazy, I swear. I had someone convince me to do this with them. At first, I thought it sounded like fun. Right before going, I thought we were insane! But let me tell you, it is the most amazing experience ever!

I can only do a 1/4 pull-up, I can barely do push-ups, I am not the most athletic person (to put it mildly). However, I can not only fly on the trapeze, I can do a catch too. Anyone can do it. You utilize the force of gravity (and the lack of gravity) in order to accomplish these tricks.

Want to know how to do it?
1. Climb up a really large ladder.
2. Get harnessed in, safety first.
3. Hold on to the bar with one hand, platform scaffolding with the other.
4. Put chest forward, hips back.
5. Put both hands on the bar.
6. At the call of "Ready!" bend knees and prepare to jump off platform.
7. At the call of "Hep", jump off said platform and swing on the bar!

That's about what my first jump entailed. As I did a couple more, however, I managed to get my knees hooked under the bar, let go and extend my arms out above and behind my head. I felt like I was a little kid playing on the jungle gym again.

The most exhilarating part, however, had to be when I reached out and caught onto one of the instructors, letting go of my bar and hanging onto him for dear life. This is called a "catch". It is oh, so, amazing. My friend and I were a mess of excitement, exhilaration and hyperness for several hours after our 1.5 hour session. I almost felt sorry for those who had to listen to us.

Video of my catch to come soon!!!

Beware though, if you do go, you will be sore that night and for the next couple of days. Not only was my upper body sore but my abs were throbbing. It was so totally worth it though! I'd highly recommend it to anyone!

January: Ceramics Painting

For the month of January, I decided to experience the joy of painting ceramics. I have ALWAYS wanted to go to one of those ceramic painting places. The actual making of the ceramic pieces would be fun, but I feared that it might be more frustrating. As I am just getting used to this idea of trying new things, let's start off a little easier, shall we? To paint something in your own design and have it be usable for everyday life? Amazingness.

Let me tell you, I was looking forward to this activity. Is it bad that I had my whole artistic plan for my piece figured out a week before I stepped into the door on the day of ? My artistic vision just somehow came to me and I couldn't resist but to make it become a reality. My mom, one of my friends and her mom all came with me, a mother/daughter event was just what the doctor ordered for all of us.

I have to say, there is no better way to be artsy than to go make the mess somewhere else and not have to clean it up. You are free to utilize their paints, stencils and tools. You just have to supply the creativity. I guess I must clarify though, I did make a mess, wet paint on my sleeves. (it did come out though - success!) One day I will stop being a klutz...I hope. Enjoy some pictures of the fruits of our labors!

It is disappointing to have to wait a week in order to have the final product but well worth it. I might just have to make a whole dining room set...alternating colors for a mismatched but complementary set of round plates and cups! This trying new things is going to make me broke!

2011 Bucket List!

My new year's resolution for 2011 is to do new things. I am sick of talking about something cool and then coming up with some excuse not to do it. This year, I am going to stop putting off those things that I have always wanted to do. I have created a 2011 Bucket List, per se, something new to do each month. Now, these aren't going to be those crazy things like go sky diving or travel to Europe - I don't want to jump out of a plane and I am not really to the traveling to Europe stage (that one I will have to put off for awhile still). I am talking about those little things that I always say "oh that would be cool!" and yet never do. Time to enjoy life, look forward to something new each month and experience those things in life which you look back on with fond memories! So 2011, here I come! I will try to document here, to the best of my blogging ability :)